Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

August 01, 2011

"THE DRESS" - Another blog from our bride in the city

I’m back. I took a brief wedding detour to head overseas. I have to say it was a well-earned break. Not just from wedding planning but from working in general. Getting away during the colder months helps you really get through. The thing is – now there’s not long to go till the wedding and it’s totally crunch time!
Last time I checked in we’d just met our amazing co-ordinators (more to come from them in my next post). But in the mean time I thought I’d share with you how I found my wedding dress.
Most girls dream about their wedding day, down to the finest details, including the napkin holders. As you’d expect, I was no different. And I used to love doodling dresses. Funnily enough the “wedding dress” I had drawn for myself many years ago isn’t too dissimilar. OK, I embellish, they were both white, and with a princess skirt.
So, I started by looking at the overseas-designer-dresses to see if anything tickled my fancy. However after a few try on sessions, I found my place.  She’s an amazing Aussie designer, Karen Willis Holmes. What a pleasure, no appointments necessary, the girls who worked there were so friendly and welcoming. Just what you want when you’re trying to find “THE DRESS”.
The first time I went in, I took my dad’s sister. When I walked out of the change room, she started to cry, as did the shop assistant helping me get into the dress!
What about my mum? Well…she can only really cry if there’s music to go with the moment.
After the tears, I knew that this was the dress.
A short time later I did a drive by, and in the window was a dress I’d never seen before. There was a brand new style that was just begging me to try it, so I did. Confusion set in, I now loved two dresses. I had almost convinced my mum to let me do an outfit change on the big day just so I could wear both.
That wouldn’t be the case, so with the help of Karen herself, I narrowed down my choice from two to one.
And then it was time to show two aunties and my mother-in-law. There was no problem there, until I found out that my cousin was coming. Besides the fact she had never included me in her wedding, I didn’t really want to show too many people.
She must have missed this memo, as she INSISTED on taking a picture of me in my dress. And before I had time to scream, swear (not in front of the dress)…’CLICK’ – the blackberry sound goes off and that’s it. Etched in pixels, me and my dress.
I quickly learned that from now on, I was going to have to speak up for myself, and fast! Camera phones work at lightning speed.
I didn’t have the heart to bring it up again. But I hope that deep down, she keeps it to herself.
In the meantime, the image of me in my dress gets more and more clear, with a fitting not too far away.
With more drama’s (and some fun) to come…Bride in the city xoxo

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