Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

July 26, 2011

Behind the scenes - You'll LOVE this one!

Let's just say things are not always as glamorous as they may seem on a fashion shoot. Whilst this latest shoot got off to a flying start (excuse the pun, you'll understand that shortly) things soon became interesting!

Our Fashion Market Editor Jess, loved the idea of incorporating dove’s into the shoot. All well and good until one of them decides to fly up and roost in the 2 story high rafters lining the roof of the studio. 

3 hours and several rescue attempts later, the fire brigade turned up to collect the runaway dove and get the shoot rolling again!

Rest assured that no animals were harmed during the shoot and the final images are beyond gorgeous! You'll have to wait to see them in an upcoming issue. Until then, check out our behind the scenes shots below......

The preparation begins
 Check out all the beautiful clothes
and shoes......
and flowers!
Enter the doves
Now enter the fire brigade! They ponder for a minute the best way to attempt the rescue
Up the ladder they go
Back to safety, it's time for a drink....
While the crew have something to eat
Our gorgeous intern Maddie enjoys a well deserved cup of tea

And the shoot continues!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, I love it. Fashion planning meeting: "So, how hot would it be to have some firemen in the shoot. Jess, can you sort that?"
