Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

June 26, 2011

Meeting the Francks (pronounced Fronk!)

For those of you who aren’t aware, in my family we refer to event planners as Franck (aka Martin Short from the movie Father of the Bride). If you haven’t seen it, then you should. It’s a definite must-see before your wedding.

So I was most excited to have chosen ours, a power team, complete with florist extraordinaire. I knew that this team was going to make our wedding beautiful and hopefully they would also be able to control mine, and my mums crazy notion that we have to do everything ourselves.


They are truly amazing. However, I’m not sure if they feel the same way about us!

Picture this: the soon-to-be bride and groom, my parents (that’s right my dad is very metro and loves to get creative) and my future in-laws, the same in-laws that created my future sister-in-law who was most difficult to please. I didn’t think this was going to be an easy meeting.

Franck: So what kind of numbers are we looking at for the wedding?

Mr Finance: Around 250, 270…..

Mother-In-Law (MIL): NO! It’s 250, no more than 250.

(The look on my fiancé’s face was just heart breaking. Having moved out of home and being way over 18, it’s not easy to be yelled at by your mother)

Mr Finance: Mum, we haven’t finalised the numbers yet, so I’m just being realistic

MIL: No, that’s not it. Bring your numbers down. The whole function changes when the guest number goes over 250

Me (thought bubble only): Umm, you’ve just seen my mum and I panic over how many people we have on our draft list. And you’re screaming at him, when you really want to scream at us for having too many people? And besides, what’s an extra 10 people if it avoids all the family dramas?

Needless to say, this was like a game of tennis – and the Francks hadn’t got another word in edge wise for the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Franck finally pipped up, “why don’t you argue the numbers when we leave!” (which I’m guessing they want to be in the next 10 seconds!)

So, now that we’ve stepped-off on the wrong foot, let’s try and hop back onto the wedding train. I know that Mr Finance and I want it to be modern, but not harsh modern, traditional-modern that has soft elements.

They were totally excited! And with my wedding scrap book in hand, they knew that ideas weren’t a problem – it was getting the important ones off the scrap book page and into the wedding plan. For the rest of the meeting my mum sulked in the corner, as the MIL took over. And I just tried my best to not let Zilla out of her cage.

Luckily she was tame for this evening. And we made a little progress. The fathers often slowed down the process with their crazy ideas, and the fact that men are always 5 minutes behind the conversation.
At the end of meeting one, I know that we’re going to be having majority black and white, with elements of pink. The elements of pink have yet to be vocalised to MIL who would prefer no colour at all.

Oh just wait until Zilla hears about that!

Until next time xx

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