Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

June 06, 2011

Bridesmaid dresses - Part One

Bridesmaids dresses are known to be hideous. I'm not sure why. Is it that brides want to make sure they look the best, and the bridesmaids "fade" into the background?

If that’s the way most brides are thinking – let me tell you, when you’re wearing a white dress, it doesn’t matter what the bridesmaids are wearing you’ll get noticed. Unless you’re bridesmaid is Pippa Middleton. For me, the bridesmaid dress would be one that complemented my dress and overall style of the day.

With that in mind, I had six bridesmaids to dress. But this wasn’t going to be so easy. The commonality between my bridesmaids was me, they are girls. Yep that’s right, six girls and six very different body shapes and styles – but hey I’m the bride, I’m sure the girls will go along for the ride.

That was a beautiful dream until one fateful day. I was waiting for a bridal gown appointment, I was walking around a shopping area in Sydney (to keep my identity secret, I’m not going to say where) – low and behold a dress in the window, on-sale for one weekend only, that ticks all the right boxes. Mum likes it, I like it, so it’s time to bring in the girls. Typical, only two of the six are in Sydney at the time, but one is a size 8 the other size 12 – they are either end of the spectrum of sizes, so if it fits them and looks good – we’re done and with a bit of cash to spare.

Oh wait let me just add  – my future sister-in-law and one BFF live overseas permanently. However, sister-in-law will be in Oz in a couple of weeks.

The next day – I get the thumbs up from the two girls, send pics to the girls overseas. So email goes out overseas with the good news that I found everyone’s size at David Jones (just in case I need to return). Not thinking that I would ever have to.

As the international date line ticks over, I get good reports from each bridesmaid. Until…sister-in-law, who will now be known as “OMFG!” – sends an email asking what size I had bought her (even though I’d sent her a photo of the dress the day before with a positive response):

ME: Size 10, that’s what your mum said you were.

No email response – just an overseas phone call:

OMFG!: I’m not a size 10 anymore, I’m an 8, I’m doing yoga now.
ME: ok! That’s fine we can buy an extra size 8 so you can choose.
OMFG!: No that’s not what I mean, I don’t think the dress is going to work on me, I just don’t think I like it.
ME: (what I’m thinking): Ummm SO WHAT?
ME: (what I say): OK…how about you just be patient and wait a couple of weeks until you arrive – try it on and then see how you feel?

This went on and on for the next 45 minutes. By this time Mr Finance had come home and was keeping me calm on the outside, because trust me, bridezilla was fighting to get out of her cage on the inside.

In the meantime, the other bridesmaidlings had been informed of the pending problem and to be prepared…stay tuned for part two and you’ll see why the nick name is being generous...

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