Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

June 14, 2011

The bridesmaid dresses. Part II.

Just a quick recap from part one of this wedding nightmare; I have 6 bridesmaids, 6 dresses. However, the sister-in-law to be is NOT, repeat NOT happy about the dresses. She’s flying in from overseas for a try on session – so here goes.

I was looking forward to see my sister-in-law it had been a while since I’d seen her, however, this wasn’t going to be the amazing visit that it was supposed to be. In my heart, I knew that she wasn’t going to like the dresses, and that I was going to have to come up with some other solution. What that solution was I had no idea. But everyone kept saying “do not change those dresses!”

Saturday morning, location, my place. There’s food, dresses and boy was there tension. I was doing my best to ignore it. My girls were amazing. They were overly gushy about the dresses, they honestly liked them, but they were over compensating.

When OMFG was trying the dress on, she first tried on the 8 as she requested, that didn’t fit. Funny that. So the 10, fit over the bust and needed a bit of work – naturally to be expected. I wanted the hems to be the same length, however, OMFG took that to mean she could hike up the dress towards her UPPER thigh.

Bridesmaid 1: Um OMFG they’re getting married in a church – that’s not appropriate

OMFG: I don’t care about that – that doesn’t bother me at all

Cue bridesmaid 1, walking away to the other bathroom before physically hurting her.

I’d like to add, that not once during this try-on session did she say ‘I’m not wearing the dress’ – so everyone went on their day. There was no need to rush out and shop for another dress. Crisis averted, she’s going to wear the dress.


Later that afternoon Mr Finance says to me as he’s getting out of the car, ‘Oh OMFG isn’t wearing the dress’


At 7 o’clock at night, she rang to explain. It was a long convo but to summarise – “you normally have great taste, I don’t know what happened with these dresses” & “everyone looks fat in the dresses, I’m being a real friend and telling you this.”

Friend – it’s an interesting term. For me a friend would be a good bridesmaid and just wear the dress. But then again, I’m not the ultimate bridezilla, and fought the zilla urges to kick her out, and chose to shop instead.

The next day, we went from shop to shop. At one point I walked out to have a cry to my mum. I just couldn't take the pressure! When I returned, Bridesmaids 2 & 3 were in a change room together. Bridesmaid 3 was in tears. She apologised that her boobs are so big and couldn't fit into dresses.

That was it! I couldn’t take it anymore. I called time on shopping. This was a huge strain on my relationship.

After the weekend from hell, I needed to take a mental day from work. This would be a good opportunity to look at Bridesmaids Only. It’s in the name, how could you go wrong. Mum and I find a dress we like, so I instruct OMFG to get herself down there and try it on.

Waiting waiting, then…insert heavenly music.

SMS: “I’ve tried it on the dress is fine”

Not quite the response I was looking for but whatever! First dresses, returned with little to no hassle.

So I decide that I have to speak to OMFG and let her know that if she wants to be a part of the bridal party from now on, she just has to say YES! I wasn’t asking her to kiss the ground I walk on, just walk on the same side of the street.

I never really got an answer, the response to will she go along with hair, makeup and shoes was “fundamentally yes, but what is it going to be like!”

AHHHH… get out get out get out. I should have…But I didn’t. She went home and this Zilla was locked back in her cage. And most importantly my relationship survived it.



  2. I Can totally relate to this also! All of my bridesmaids loved the dress that I had chosen for them, except one! She was a total nightmare and was acting so jealous and manipulating! It was an emotional and highly stressful time when it was ment to be a happy one! It should be a total Honour to be asked to be someone's bridesmaid and bridesmaids should be supportive and loving rather then vindictive and spiteful. We drove all over the place to find an alternative dress just for the unhappy bridesmaid who refused to wear the dress I had chosen. Finally we chose an alternative which all girls loved. I am not a bridezilla at all and bent over backward to accommodate this particular bridesmaid. But that's it now, if she decides to whinge one more time about hair, make up or shoes. I won't be soaccomodating that is for sure! Some people are so mean and these people are useally very unhappy in their own personal lives! I am going to enjoy this time as it is a day that is ment to be a day of happiness and love. :)
