Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

May 31, 2011

Finding a wedding venue

With the engagement announcement saga well behind us it was time to get down to business and really get the wedding planning under way. 

Mr Finance and I are totally on the same page for the wedding. Minus the guest numbers. We know that we don’t want to have the wedding at the same location as every other wedding and we love the industrial look softened with a traditional modern touch. 
Great! Now where to look?

I officially now know all Sydney wedding venues. Our guest list is somewhere from 250-280. You heard me, 250-280! Here are just a few 'why the wedding wasn't there' excuses:

-          Australian Technology Park – love love love, but too much to bring in, kitchen lighting, chairs, the whole nine yards and then some
-          Powerhouse museum – too small
-          Inglis Newmarket (stables in Randwick) – mum’s not convinced on air con satisfaction
-          Observatory (not the hotel) – marquee too small
-          State library – too small
-          NSW Art Gallery – too many rules
-          Carriage Works – completely booked for month of the wedding
-          Museum of Contemporary Art – undergoing renovations
-          PYD Waterloo – the reception would be in a car park
-          Maritime Museum marquee – too small
-          Doltone House (new and old) – we liked the new room, parentals didn’t like the low ceilings
-          Curzon Hall – didn’t want an outside ceremony so waisted

There are so many more. But between six people there were many non-negotiables. 
For my mum, air-conditioning. 
Mr Finance, dance floor space. 
Me, oh don’t worry about me – I’m just the bride! 

The place that met all requirements is the same place my cousin and BFF had both had their weddings. Everyone LOVED it! But I was doing my best to avoid it as I knew our wedding was not going to compare to the extravaganza my cousin had, not to mention the family cross over.

The last resort, Le Montage. They had recently renovated, so one rainy night I headed there with my in laws and fiancé in-tow. Big dance floor, great space, easy parking, nice outlook, great outdoor space, and air con! Perfect! So that weekend on our way to a friend’s place, we met my parents there.

Le Montage on a Saturday afternoon is like a wedding factory – there are four rooms full of wedding guests and in the light of day – the dream was over and the bridezilla in me reared its ugly head. I snapped, realising our wedding would have to be at my my cousin and BFF's hotel. “I can’t compete with cousins wedding! I’m not having my wedding there. I’ll find somewhere else!”

Surely my freak out wasn’t too out of character for wedding function central. I’m sure I won’t be the last bridezilla tantrum out the front. But I’m sure the guests arriving could have done without the show. I calmed myself down with a few drinks at lunch. Bridezilla was tucked away again. I also had to choose the hotel that I had been so adamant against. 

As Mr. Finance called it “best worst case scenario” – this line would be used time and time again when it came to many key decisions. My vote counts for two at least, but even the bride verses both parents and fiancé won’t win. So Hilton Hotel it is. 


  1. My mum has exactly the same stipulation with air-con. My favourite venue doesn't have any, so looking into bringing a portable in. No idea if they work, are quiet, or are too big!

    Note to venues - don't do million dollar refurbs and leave out aircon!

  2. Nice setup with really a classy look......... Some time ago I was looking for such a venues too, which will be in my budget and the one that is appreciated by all. During my search i found this cheap wedding venues london
    and get fully satisfied and i am very much moved by thier settings and helping environment
