Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

May 23, 2011

The engagement announcement

"I'M ENGAGED!" – was the scream heard around the world. World is a little extreme, but pretty close. My fiancé, let’s call him Mr Finance, and I have been dating for almost 10 years, when he finally popped the question. I think I should rename myself Patience. But in reality the timing was perfect and it was the greatest day.

After a picnic in the park, it was time to call our parents, families, and the girls – soon to be known as the bridesmaidlings. It was a lovefest. They couldn’t be happier and it was just such an amazing feeling, that nothing could bring me down from this high.

Until the engagement announcement discussion. I had always heard from friends who had already gone through the wedding prep, that weddings bring out the worst. But I was determined to think that this wasn’t going to happen to me.

When it came time to put together our engagement announcement in our community newspaper, HELLO NIGHTMARE. As a writer by profession, I thought it would be fine for me to write the announcement. How hard could it be? Parent’s names, grandparent’s names, siblings, and of course our own. With of course a sentence thrown in about how excited and happy we all were. It should have been a 10 minute job. So I wrote it, and sent to both mothers for a name check. A mistake I shouldn’t have made.

My soon to be mother-in-law (MIN) was not happy with "all the extra wording". Strict instructions, no mention of sibling or grandparents. (Ummm excuse me!). Naturally, I pick up the phone…

“Yes darl!”
“MIN said that the announcement is too long and doesn’t want anyone mentioned besides the parents and us”
“No that’s not right! Speak to Mr Finance.”

Phone call number two (did I mention I was at work?)

“Babe, your mum is getting on my nerves! She’s getting annoyed about the announcement”
“Breathe, it’s fine, I’ll ring her and sort it out.”

Then I get the phone call from the MIN.

Half a day later, the wording, photograph and colour is finally signed off. If a 10 minute task (and the most minute detail of the wedding) takes this long, how are we ever going to get through the wedding.

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