Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

April 12, 2011

On shoot at Bilpin

Cloudy skies couldn't dim the crew enthusiasm for the first shoot produced running in our August issue. Shot on location at an Apple farm in Bilpin, we were lucky enough to shoot right at the end of picking time - meaning the trees were heavily laden with juicey red apples. A stunning backdrop for our whimsical country shoot. Our hosts, Joe and Lily spent the day filling crates full of freshly picked apples to use in our shots and making cups of tea and being gorgeous hosts while the crew trudged through the mud, braving the rain to get a great first shoot for the issue. The crew DID eat apples straight from the tree and they really do taste amazing!

Imagine lugging around this beauty case!

Makeup artist Di Dusting works her magic on our gorgeous model.

Just some of the pretty pink shoes...
Meanwhile, the crew donned cute wellies.

Jason Ierace and his photography team setting up.
Snap happy! Nailing the shots for our August Bride to Be issue.

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