Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

December 11, 2011

Samoa - Going back to the future!

Are you already on the countdown for New Years Eve? If you just can't wait, try heading to Samoa!

Samoans are literally missing the 30th December this year. They are going to bed on the 29th December only to wake up on the 31st, just in time for New Years Eve.

Samoa's Parliament has officially approved the plan to switch time zones so that Samoa will now lie west of the International Dateline, to be in line with Australia and New Zealand.

This starts off a big year for Samoa in 2012, culminating their 50 years of independance.

"Soon we will no longer be the last place on earth to see the sunset, but we will gain the honour of being one of the first nations to see the sunrise of the new year, a brilliant way to start 2012," says Peter Sereno from the Samoa Tourism Authority.

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