Bride to Be
Bride To Be Magazine Blog

November 15, 2012

Cost of Love Survey 2012 Prize Winners!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in our Cost of Love survey 2012!
It's so important to us to receive your valuable feedback, opinions and experiences.
As you would all know, there were some amazing prizes on offer. One lucky person has won an amazing Salt&Pepper homewares package valued at $1,500.

20 lucky runners-up have also won a Salt&Pepper 16 piece Edge dinner set valued at $129.95!
All we asked was one simple question:
How did/will you save money for your big day?
There were some brilliant responses, and some great tips on how you could save for your own special day.
Here are the lucky winners and how they answered: (in no particular order)
Major Prize Winner
Elizabeth Southwood
I wrote "Getting hitched 1 December 2012!" on a Post-it and stuck it to my credit card - it's easier to resist using it!

Vicky King
Strict budgeting & every time I’m tempted to splurge, I visualise myself at 50, buried under hundreds of shopping bags, still not married!!!
Gail McClucky
We have a project spreadsheet with a timeline for each step and associated costs, so we always know where we are.
Karina Nyholm-Hunter
By bringing lunch to work, and cutting out all unnecessary things such as takeaway food, lunches and coffees out while at work.
Jess Mangini
Before buying anything we would say to ourselves "which do you want more, this item or a better wedding day?" The wedding usually won!!
Charlen Muadjienga
[I save] as much as I can each pay, using my engagement ring as a reminder not to splurge anymore!
Lauren Koo
Sacrificing the small things, meant we were able to have the wedding day we had both dreamed of, and it definitely paid off.
Tanya Hall
We opened a joint savings account and called it 'Wedding' so we knew where our sacrifices were going to!
Kelly Malone
Open a separate wedding account that directly takes a portion out of each pay, you can't access it and you don't even notice it's gone!
Kristina Downey
I'm having a wedding on Sunday, I saved over 50% on venue costs!
Rach Jenkin
We chose to have a Sunday morning wedding brunch, meaning we could cut back on large meals and alcohol. Also very family friendly.
Lauren Wood
Cut back on luxuries and chopped up credit cards!
Julie-Ann Shuttleworth
We both quit smoking and put the money we would have spent on cigarettes into a bank account.
Erin Lennox
BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET. Create it, stick to it and amend it if necessary.
Christine Toseski
Only spend for what is needed. No more shopping sprees online for fashion, no more fine dining. It's getting into the right mindset and routine.
Celeste Mordini
By buying things slowly and not all at once. Paying deposits first also lessen the blow closer to the wedding date, so that helps.
Sara Kearney
Looking, deciding and buying smart, supporting local business and using the internet.
Jasmin McAdam
Having date nights at home on the couch and cooking our favourite meals for each other instead of going out all the time.
Kathryn Parker
By DIY on as much as possible; having elegance at a budget. Luckily I'm art and crafty!
Cecilia Cox
All I have to do is ask myself  'do I really need this?' before I buy something. So often the answer is 'no'.
Jessica Laws
We will be making our own table centre pieces and having our wedding and ceremony in the same place to save money on transport.

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